Alien Origin Movie Review

The Asylum's rip-off of Prometheus, Alien Origin is a peculiar beast in itself. Perhaps the most different from the source movie of any of their cheap knock-offs, Alien Origin was inexplicably filmed as a horror movies found footage movie. While this works to The Asylum's low budget favorably, that doesn't mean it came out perfectly. In fact.. it

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Top 10 Leprechaun Kills

When you've got a long running horror comedy franchise, you tend to rack up a nice, (blog post) big body count. Leprechaun is no exception, ...Source: Top 10 Leprechaun Kills - Decker Shado More Videos

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His first three jobs--filmmaker, Decker Shado comedian, and screenwriter--include jokes. He dislikes movies.BlogrollFrom This Swamp - Lovecraftian and Dystopian MusicMonster Mash ManiaFans of vintage filmFighting-Ready Filmterrifying gates of goreCosmos

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It's been my favorite type of movie to watch. So it was hard to choose my favorite movies. After much consideration, I chose my top five choices. The Matrix was a movie for the 21st-century that revolutionized special effect and challenged our views of the world. In a way that has influenced generations, it is also a film that I consider to be a fi

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Decker Shado - Monster Island (2019)

The Asylum’s 2019 mockbuster was released simultaneously with Godzilla King of the Monsters. Monster Island focuses on an island known as Monster Island. Here a monster can be seen, and who itself is kind of the Island. As an asylum movie, it has roughly the same budget as a big kid's dinner and only uses it sparingly. This includes focusi

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