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It's been my favorite type of movie to watch. So it was hard to choose my favorite movies. After much consideration, I chose my top five choices. The Matrix was a movie for the 21st-century that revolutionized special effect and challenged our views of the world. In a way that has influenced generations, it is also a film that I consider to be a film that will never die. Next we will watch Blade Runner 2049. It is a spectacular visual feast Reviews that explores human function and what it takes to be human. Ex Machina is a shorter but equally powerful movie about artificial intelligence. The ethical issues involved in creating life are also explored. It's also fascinating. It is my pleasure to present the following selection of science-fiction films that I have always remembered long after I had passed the credits. As time passes, we might be privy to even more mind-blowing adventures.

Here are several web addresses

Movie Reviews Unknown
The Film List
Sci-Fi Galaxy
Jupiter Film Archive

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